
Friday 1 July 2011

Lemon drizzle cupcakes

I've been experimenting! No, not the Dr Frankenstein type of experimenting - well not unless he moved on from creating human life from a jigsaw of deceased spare parts to baking! I've been trying to combine all the lovely, lemony-ness of a drizzle cake with a cupcake. I was aiming for lemon sherbet style intensity with the lovely moistness you get from a drizzle cake. The above is my first attempt.

The result? I'm still working on it but when I get a recipe that works you'll be the first to hear about it. This was a nice cupcake and very popular with Project A (although cat botherer just wanted to lick the icing off) but didn't really have the lemon hit I was aiming for. Think I was a bit shy of putting too much lemon in. I had a bad experience once with a lemon pasta dish - like eating rubber bands dressed in washing up liquid! For my next experiment I'm going to up the lemon stakes and add lemon juice to the sponge mix.
I'll post something next week when I've had a chance to get back in the lab! Don't forget you can still hold a Strawberry Tea to raise money for one's lovely employer (they don't pay me to say that!) Breast Cancer Care. Find out more at

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