
Thursday 30 April 2015

The Lambert Loaf

This is the Lambert Loaf, named after two of my class members who I met earlier this year, Paula and David Lambert.

As anyone who has attended a bread making class will tell you, they are a great opportunity to chat about all things bread related. The actual class itself does not restrict the topic of conversation - the Lamberts were attending an olive bread class - and everyone shares tips which I'm always happy to, erm, promote. :)

David told me that the loaf that is most popular with his family is a loaf that he created to suit everyone in one mouthful. So he mixes two doughs together so that those who want white bread are happy whilst those who want brown are satisfied too!

It's a very simple yet ingenious idea. Basically, you knead out identical amounts of white and wholemeal dough and prove them separately. When they have passed their first prove, you knock back the white dough into a large rectangle, then place the wholemeal dough in the centre of that dough. The wholemeal dough is then flattened upon the white dough using your fingertips into a smaller rectangle, with a gap of approx 1cm around each edge.

Both doughs, having now formed one dough, are now folded into a ball and left to rest for 15 mins, before being shaped for the final prove. This technique creates the amazing crumb within the bread.

The effect is lovely, a marbelled texture with free falling patterns forming. It's a fabulous tasting loaf, but really suceeds when it's toasted, as the wholemeal goes a darker colour which stands out, particularly when slathered in butter! (Sorry no pic of this - it went too quickly with my nest of blackbirds!)

So try out the Lambert Loaf. For a guide to amounts check out my basic bread page, and halve the amount of white bread flour to substitute the remaining flour with wholemeal flour.

If you'd like to come to a class, like David and Paula, then check them out here!

Thanks to the Lambert family!

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